Bible Study: Fighting My Battles
Build your faith with this inspirational Bible Study. Learn how to let God fight your battles when facing your daily problems!
You are Unique, Just as God Intended
Just like so many things in life, we are all unique in our own special ways. And that is just the way God wanted it. Throughout my life, I have seen so many gorgeous sunsets, but when you think about it, no two were the same. They were all unique and amazing for different reasons.
At the other end of the spectrum, I have sadly experienced many different heart-breaking situations. While the tears may have fallen the same, no two experiences were identical.
What we need to know though, is that there is one consistent element in everything we experience in life. Through both the beautiful sunsets and the gut-wrenching tragedies, one thing will forever remain the same. And that is the love that our Father in heaven has for us.
"One thing will forever remain the same...God's love for us!"
Throughout life’s ups and downs, it is easy to get swept away by the daily hustle and bustle that we are constantly going through. Someone frustrates you here, another person offends you there, your boss isn’t satisfied, and you come home to ungrateful demanding children. Before you know it, you are no longer focusing on the beautiful sunsets of life, but you are overcome with irritation, frustration, and negativity.
Let God Fight Your Battles
Let me reassure you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! For years, I struggled with these same things and still face them every day. I remember standing in front of the bathroom mirror, crying because I was completely overwhelmed. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure why I chose to stand in front of the mirror. Perhaps it made me feel better to see myself in such a sad state. It was a quick way to throw myself a little pity party and I had a front row seat to watch it.
Looking back, I now know that I was in such a negative situation because I was trying to solve the world’s problems on my own. I was trying to figure out how to please my boss by working harder, by putting in more hours. I was determined to teach my children just how lucky they were to have a loving mother, food on the table, and clean clothes in their drawers.
Making a Change
Basically, I was approaching each day with the wrong intentions and I was relying on my own strength and abilities to fix EVERYTHING. That was the root of my struggles. And realizing that was my problem was the key to finally overcoming all my frustrations.
I realized I couldn’t do it on my own. I needed help. I needed help from someone who was far more powerful than me. I needed help from someone who had already fought the fight and won the battle. John 16:33 says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
This verse reassures us that Jesus walked on this earth, faced the same frustrations and temptations that we do, and overcame them. Through Him, we have that same victory and can live in peace because of it. When studying the Bible and seeking wisdom about the victory we have through Jesus Christ, I found a peace that I had never experienced before.
Instead of mumbling under my breath at the man that cut me off in traffic, I was able to quickly look past the action. After all, something so minor wasn’t going to steal my joy and take away the peace I was given. I have even gotten to the point where I say a quick prayer for that man. Maybe he just received terrible news and is rushing to the hospital. Maybe he just lost his job and isn’t thinking straight.
Leaning on God
Now, don’t get me wrong. Just because I know all of this does not mean that I have it all figured out. I still get angry. I still get bitter. I still get frustrated. But instead of wallowing in these feelings, I quickly remind myself that I have someone on my side that is pretty awesome. Deuteronomy 20:4 tells us that the Lord your God goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to GIVE YOU VICTORY!
How cool is that? In your moment of need, you have God, the Alpha and Omega, the Great Almighty, stepping up to fight against your enemies to give you victory. If that is not an amazing promise, I don’t know what is.
Today's Challenge
In your journal, write down the “enemies” that you have been facing lately. It may be struggling with a teenage child. Maybe you are at odds with a coworker. Perhaps financial struggles are weighing you down. No matter what the situation may be, immediately give it to God. Have faith and know that He will help you overcome these struggles and He will provide you with peace as you do.
I pray that God gives you strength to face your enemies each and every day. I also ask that you will have peace, knowing that the victory has already been won. We just have to put our trust in Him!
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