Depending on God
Depending on God in all situations can be a challenge, but He is our one true source of strength, peace, and hope. We must look to Him at all times.
Facing Our World's Challenges
It has never been more evident to me that I cannot face this world's challenges on my own. Watching the nightly news or browsing social media are no longer light-hearted activities. Instead, images of hurting people, a broken nation, and a need for God in our world are pasted everywhere I look. So many people are quick to make these political issues, but I believe they go so much deeper than that.
When you see protesters in the street, what is your first reaction? If you hear of an innocent life that was taken, where do you turn? Who is your first call when things don't go your way? The easy answer to these three questions is God. He should be the one that we lean on and depend on at all times, good and bad. Instead of making it known that God is in control and he has the ultimate power in all situations, we have given that power to our politicians, our local health departments, even news anchors.
We can't look to them for the answers. We can pray for them and ask God to give them wisdom and strength in all they do, but our happiness, prosperity, and lives do not depend on their abilities. Our one source of ALL things is God, our heavenly Father.
Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." This has always been one of my favorite verses because I am a person that loves to question things. Why didn't I get that job? Why do bad things happen to good people? Cancer is dumb, why does it even exist? You may have also asked these similar questions, and chances are, you got the same answers that I did. Nothing. No answer at all. Why? Because it is not our job to understand everything.
Depending on God
Thankfully though, we have a God that we can depend on, and he knows it all. So instead of wasting our time worrying about such foolish thoughts, we need to listen to Matthew 11:28 that says, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Stop trying to solve the world's problems on your own. Don't look to our president to have all the answers. Get on your knees and look to the one that has all the answers.
My inspiration for this came from our church sermon a few weeks ago. As our nation celebrated its Independence Day, our pastor challenged us to make our own Declaration of Dependence. Yes, I said DEPENDENCE. This challenge has nothing to do with the United States, our forefathers, or starting a country. But it has everything to do with your personal relationship and depending on God.
We cannot depend on the things of this world to provide us with happiness, and we have to stop wasting time trying to figure out why, how, or when. It is time that we declare our 100%, absolute dependence on God. Make today your official "Dependence" Day!
Today's Challenge
In your journal, write down the areas of your life that you need to depend on God. Start small. Choose 2-3 to start with. The awesome thing is, if you truly commit to this, you will quickly feel God's peace in those areas and you will be excited to add to your list. Little by little, you will begin to depend on God in all situations. It is also a good idea to choose a couple verses that remind you to turn to God at all times. Read them, memorize them, and recite them several times a day.
I pray that God begins to work in your life, giving you the strength and peace you need to depend on Him. May you be blessed for this commitment to Him and witness amazing things happening in your life because of your Declaration of Dependence on God.
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- Trusting in God
- Fighting My Battles
- What Does the Bible Say About Prayer?
- Bible Verses for Stress and Anxiety
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Thank you Tanille for sharing! Knowing this in my heart and expressing it in tough circumstances are two different things. Your reminder of WHO we should be listening to and turning to was just what I needed today. Perspective is everything and when I stop to use God’s lens to view the troubles of this world, He is so much bigger than anything we face here.
May God bless you as you bless others by sharing your heart.