DIY Cross Craft


This DIY Cross Craft is simple and very meaningful! It is a symbol of sacrifice, hope, and love. What a perfect project to make with your children!

For as long as I can remember, the Easter Bunny has been visiting my house.  When I was a child, my brother and I always competed to see who could find our basket first.  Now, as a parent, I just love sitting back and watching my little ones search the house through for their Easter treasures.  Their giggles and excitement make me smile from ear to ear.  Now, as much fun as we have playing with bunnies and baskets, it is well-known in our family that all this hype is so far from the true meaning of Easter.

As a child, it was instilled in me that Easter was a time when the ultimate sacrifice was made.  I remember having both my grandma and mom as Sunday school teachers.  They would talk to us about just how much love was shown on the cross when Jesus died for our sins.  So each year, before looking for eggs and eating jelly beans, we always took time to remember just why Easter was so important to all of us.  Now, as a mom and Sunday school teacher, it is my responsibility and desire to teach my own children those valuable lessons.  

A couple weeks ago, while talking to my Sunday school students, we came up with the idea to make something for every family in our church for Easter.  While many ideas were thrown around, most suggestions involved a cross.  When I asked why they were so focused on a cross, the answers brought a smile to my face.  Over the years, I have taught them the cross is a symbol of sacrifice, hope, and love.  Together, we came up with this very simple but very meaningful DIY Cross Craft.  Each one of our church families will go home with one of their own this Easter.  But, more importantly, I hope they look at this cross throughout the year and are reminded of the sacrifice, hope, and love that it symbolizes.  

Check out these simple directions to create one of your own.  

Step 1:  Cut an old pallet board into a piece 6" long.

Step 2:  Nail 5 nails in the board, forming the cross shape.  I used 1" nails.  

Step 3:  Wind the craft rope around the nails, forming the actual cross.  Check out the video below to see just how to do this!

It is really that simple!  You have not only created a cute DIY Cross Craft, but you have created a continuous reminder of the ultimate sacrifice that was made for you.  Each time you look at this cross, be sure to remember just was it represents.  

This DIY Cross Craft is simple and very meaningful! It is a symbol of sacrifice, hope, and love. What a perfect project to make with your children!

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