Turkey & Cheese Spirals


Easy and delicious, these Turkey & Cheese Spirals are a perfect choice for a quick meal. They are also sure to please everyone at your table!

It seems that at least once or twice a week, as I am driving home from work, my mind is racing about what I am going to make for supper.  Many times, I resort to making breakfast.  After all, I know all four of my kiddos will eat eggs and pancakes.  While this is always an option, I am constantly looking for other ideas that I know they will love.  I was pleasantly surprised at how much my children enjoyed these Turkey & Cheese Spirals.  

My husband happened to be out of town, so I knew I needed just five.  It worked out perfectly.  My oldest daughter and myself love pepper jack cheese, and my other three peanuts chose Colby.  We were all able to have just what we wanted.  You too can definitely substitute your favorite cheese or meat in this recipe to create a new favorite of your own.  

Check out the simple steps below and get cookin'!

Ingredients Needed:
1 can pizza crust, refrigerated
turkey slices
pepper jack cheese slices
Colby cheese slices

Step 1: Roll out pizza crust on a cutting board.
Step 2: Lay turkey out, covering all dough.
Step 3: Lay cheese slices evenly on the turkey.

Easy and delicious, these Turkey & Cheese Spirals are a perfect choice for a quick meal. They are also sure to please everyone at your table!

Step 4: Roll dough, cheese, and turkey up, starting with the short side.
Step 5: With the seam down, use a pizza cutter to cut 5 equal pieces.
Step 6: Place pieces in a greased baking dish.
Step 7: Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until dough is a golden brown.

Easy and delicious, these Turkey & Cheese Spirals are a perfect choice for a quick meal. They are also sure to please everyone at your table!

I really do hope that you and your family find these simple Turkey & Cheese Spirals as delicious as mine does.  It is so fun experimenting with different cheeses and meat choices.  I've always thought about throwing some chopped onions in their too...YUM!!  The possibilities are endless!  Happy cooking!

Easy and delicious, these Turkey & Cheese Spirals are a perfect choice for a quick meal. They are also sure to please everyone at your table!

Turkey & Cheese Spirals
Easy and delicious, these Turkey & Cheese Spirals are a perfect choice for a quick meal. They are also sure to please everyone at your table!
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  1. 1 can pizza crust, refrigerated
  2. turkey slices
  3. pepper jack cheese slices
  4. Colby cheese slices
  1. Roll out pizza crust on a cutting board.
  2. Lay turkey out, covering all dough.
  3. Lay cheese slices evenly on the turkey.
  4. Roll dough, cheese, and turkey up, starting with the short side.
  5. With the seam down, use a pizza cutter to cut 5 equal pieces.
  6. Place pieces in a greased baking dish.
  7. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until dough is a golden brown.
Inspirational Momma https://www.inspirationalmomma.com/

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