Crazy Cat Collar


Do you have a crazy cat? The Crazy Cat Collar is the answer you have been searching for!

Yes!!!  Yes we do!!!  We have a crazy cat!  

Before I get into details about that, I must first start at the beginning.  About 5 years ago, our two oldest daughters got it in their heads that they wanted to rescue a kitten from the humane society.  My initial answer was no.  Prior to this, I never had a cat as a pet.  If you were to ask me, I would bluntly tell you that I am not a cat person.  Their daddy, on the other hand, gave into their cute smiles and told them we could adopt a kitten.  Before I knew it, we were on our way home with an innocent little ball of fur.  Our first task was to name her.  As we were discussing possibilities, the famous Black Eyed Peas song came on and we immediately found a name.  Our newest addition was named Dirty Bit.  Think what you may, but the name was perfect.  

As she drug socks all over the house or stole the straw from my drink, I cleverly yelled, "You dirty little bit, get back here!!"  Over the years, I have grown to love her, but it is more of a love/hate relationship.  I love the cute, cuddly cat, but I wanted to throw her outside the couple times she treated my laundry basket like a litter box.  Another one of Dirty Bit's negative behaviors was biting when we tried to pet her.  She never bit hard, but it was enough to hurt and make me angry.  I got to the point that I didn't even attempt to show her attention.  I am also not a fan of having my toes bitten as I am fast asleep at 3:00 AM.  

A few months back, my patience and tolerance ran out.  I simply told my husband that Dirty Bit needed to head back to the humane society, with hopes that another family would come along and fix her problems.

That was the moment we discovered a miracle.  When he contacted the humane society, the receptionist recommended that we try what I call the Crazy Cat Collar before we made any drastic decisions.  He convinced me that we should give it a shot, even though I was quite skeptical.  I headed off to Walmart and picked up a Pet Armor Pheromone Calming Collar.  Pheromones are naturally produced by animals and help reduce stress.  When a cat is struggling, pheromone products, such as this collar, can mimic naturally produced pheromones and eliminate unwanted behaviors.  When I read the package, I thought it was too good to be true.  I couldn't believe that this little collar was going to fix all of our frustrations.  

Do you have a crazy cat? The Crazy Cat Collar is the answer you have been searching for!

Boy was I wrong.  This may seem unbelievable, but within just 5 minutes of wearing the Crazy Cat Collar, Dirty Bit sat next to me, purred, and let me pet her!  I was in utter shock.  I yelled to my husband to come witness this amazing event.  For the first hour, we were convinced that it was a coincidence.  However, three months later, that amazing event has turned into every day life.  She no longer greets attention with biting, and even more importantly, her litter box is the only place she relieves herself.  

As I look back, I know I was frustrated and ready to give up.  And personally, I think I had the right to.  However, knowing what I know now, our answer was so simple.  For just over $6.00 a month, we are able to keep our pet and we have never enjoyed her more.  She is so much more social with our family and guests, and I am no longer wondering what kind of surprises I will find.  We were completely amazed by this product, and I truly hope you are too!  

Do you have a crazy cat? The Crazy Cat Collar is the answer you have been searching for!



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