Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure


After starting their day with a nutritious breakfast, take your children on a Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure today! Let their #StirImagination run wild!

What to do today? Are we exploring space, searching for long-lost galaxies? Are we embarking on an ocean adventure that is sure to lead to the mysterious great blue whale? Maybe an insect excursion is the activity of choice?

Having four children (four endless imaginations), I can't help but smile when I ask them what they want to do.  I am always caught off-guard and amazed at what they come up with.  If only adults could still look at the world through the eyes of a child.  Our potential would be endless, because truly ANYTHING would be possible.

Each morning, as I make breakfast with my little ones, we talk about all sorts of things.  It is crazy to me how much kiddos have to say!  However, before the conversations can begin, I must always make sure they have delicious and nutritious Nestlé® Nesquik® in their glasses.  They are fairly flexible when it comes to what is on their plates, but Nestlé® Nesquik® is a necessity!  Mixed with just 8 ounces of milk, it is ready in just seconds!  It is a perfect way to start their day off on an exciting note.  

After starting their day with a nutritious breakfast, take your children on a Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure today! Let their #StirImagination run wild!

While they are enjoying the great taste, I can't keep the smile off my face because I know just how healthy it is!  Without even knowing it, they are getting 7 essential vitamins, along with 8 grams of protein.  

As they are eating a well-rounded breakfast, sipping their Nestlé® Nesquik®, it is our time to plan just what adventure we are going to go on!  On this particular morning, I was so excited to inform Nixon that he was chosen to partake in a very special dinosaur hunt.  A Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure to be exact!  Only very special 4-year-olds were selected, and he was one of them!  

After starting their day with a nutritious breakfast, take your children on a Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure today! Let their #StirImagination run wild!

The look on his face was priceless.  His older sisters just giggled!  He had a hard time controlling his excitement through the remainder of breakfast, but we made it!  Note to self...do not tell a child exciting news until AFTER they are done eating!

After starting their day with a nutritious breakfast, take your children on a Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure today! Let their #StirImagination run wild!

With breakfast behind us and Nestlé® Nesquik®, in our bellies, it was time for our imaginations to run wild.  It was also time for Nixon to go on an adventure of a lifetime.  To prepare for a Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure of your own, check out the materials and directions below.  

Materials Needed:
small dinosaur figurines
plastic Easter eggs
black electrical tape
plastic syringe, eye dropper, turkey baster, etc. 

Step 1: Prepare the eggs by poking two small holes on one end.  One is to put water in, the other is to let air out.

Step 2: After placing a dinosaur into an egg, tape the middle seem with black electrical tape.  I prefer electrical tape because it will seal the water in, and it is also easy to remove.

Step 3: Fill the egg with water, keeping it upright.  I use a plastic medicine syringe.  (I believe all parents have one of these lying around somewhere.)  I then place the egg in a small bowl with paper toweling in it.  The paper toweling helps keep the egg from rolling and spilling.

Step 4: Freeze until solid.

After starting their day with a nutritious breakfast, take your children on a Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure today! Let their #StirImagination run wild!

Step 5: Remove ice egg from plastic shell.  First take off tape.  Next, run egg under warm water for just a few seconds.  This will allow the egg to pop right out of the shell.  

After starting their day with a nutritious breakfast, take your children on a Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure today! Let their #StirImagination run wild!

Now the true Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure can begin.  I chose to hide Nixon's eggs in the sandbox, a perfect way to keep the mess outside.  As the scientist, he was armed with a small sifter, a cup of warm water, and a syringe.  

After starting their day with a nutritious breakfast, take your children on a Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure today! Let their #StirImagination run wild!

After discovering the egg, it was time to reveal the mysterious creature inside.  Little by little, with warm water and a syringe, the ice melted away and the dinosaur was revealed.  Nixon's giggles and excitement were priceless.  He was looking at a tiny toy dinosaur frozen in water, but he was imagining a large, vicious beast that once walked the earth.  In his mind, he was a scientist risking his life to find what others weren't brave enough to.  Finally, T-Rex was exposed!

After starting their day with a nutritious breakfast, take your children on a Dinosaur Ice Egg Adventure today! Let their #StirImagination run wild!

Each and every day is an adventure for my children.  And each and every day, they kick things off with a delicious and nutritious glass of Nestlé® Nesquik®.  Do your kiddos a favor and get some today.  Before you know it, they will be walking through the rain forest, flying to the moon, or hunting for alligators!

Thank you to Nestlé for sponsoring today’s post and inspiring me to try Nestlé® Nesquik®!  #StirImagination

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